"Life is an Art and the Art is Alive"
A Woman of Vision
Spiritual Meditation

Healing Through Movement
Healing From Young Age
Let’s give our children the opportunity to learn about meditation while they are young. It will give them the ability to know themselves deeply, develop focus and balance, eliminate distractions, find their purpose and joy, and most importantly, connect with themselves and the universe through meditation and spirituality. No age is too young to start looking: contentment is waiting to be found by YOU.

Lessons in Wisdom
A culmination of all the above. A chance to move as you feel guided, ruminate in the stillness of meditation, and process the wisdom that you have gained.
Classes are a chorus of different practice, focusing on wholeness through healing soul, body, and mind.
Experience the sacred Art of Spirituality and Meditation practice.
Learn the ancestor’s music, dance, and the context behind it.
Discover your spirit animals.
Remember and speak from the wisdoms.
Share the experiences and lessons.

“ Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”
“ Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.”
“ The greatest happiness of the greatest number is the foundation of morals.”
Jeremy Bentham
“ Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a god.”
“ Those who know, do. Those who understand, teach.”
“ Life is all about how much you can take and keep moving forward.”
“ It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.”
“ You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.”
“Only you can heal yourself and create your life, no one else.”
Passionate and confident Higher enlightenment

Observe everything See the past, present, and future Move in silence See and accept authentic truths

Balance the pride, honor, and courage see and accept our power

Ready to fly higher Psychic abilities growing Full awareness

Respect and gratitude Fearless Self-explanatory See and accept your strength
Learn the Art and the Wisdoms behind:
- The sacred art of healing
- The art of purpose and how to find it
- The art of manifestation
- The art of intuition
- The art of Universal Laws
- The art of lifting the energy up
- The art of balancing
- The art of peace, joy, happiness, and contentment
- The art of connecting spiritually to your soul, body and mind, then to the universe.
“Your intuition will speak to you from the wisdoms, universal and humanitarian laws, and experiences and lessons learned.”
“Your intuition will speak to you from the wisdoms, universal and humanitarian laws, and experiences and lessons learned.”
“The ancestors were all about seeing and accepting the
TRUTH behind the ART.”